Customer Journey 🗺️

Carlos Jiménez Muñoz
2 min readDec 6, 2023


The Customer Journey is a key concept in product strategy, crucial for understanding and improving the customer experience. It summarizes the steps a consumer takes with a product or service, from the moment they perceive their need until they purchase and use it. It’s not just a series of physical actions but also includes the mental processes and experiences lived by the customer.

Phases of the Customer Journey

  1. Awareness: The customer realizes a need or desire and begins to look for a solution.
  2. Consideration: Evaluates different options to satisfy that need or desire. This involves reading reviews, visiting websites, etc.
  3. Decision: Chooses an option and makes a purchase.
  4. Retention: Post-purchase experience, where the customer evaluates their decision.
  5. Loyalty: If the experience is positive, the customer may become a repeat buyer and even a recommender.

Each stage of the Customer Journey influences the customer’s overall perception of the product or service, and understanding it helps us identify critical points in their decision-making process. By learning about these critical points, we can allocate resources to eliminate frictions that might result in failure to convert. We could even create a document with frequently asked questions that directly impacts the main pain points. Understanding their pains (and solving them) and their gains (and enhancing them) will position us better than competitors, and consequently, we will achieve greater satisfaction and loyalty.

The Customer Journey is, in short, an essential tool for any product team seeking to understand and improve their customers’ experience. By analyzing and optimizing each stage of the Customer Journey, we can significantly increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, which facilitates long-term success.

How have you implemented it in your projects/products? What problems have you encountered when trying to use it? 👇🔄

