Learn to Say ‘Yes’ with Confidence 🚀

Carlos Jiménez Muñoz
1 min readJan 10, 2024


We often hear that we need to learn to say “no”, yet I firmly believe that the real art lies not simply in rejecting opportunities but in backing our decisions with solid and clear data. 📊

As Product Managers or project managers, our decisions not only guide the development of the product but also shape the culture around it. In this environment, justifying our choices with data becomes a necessity.

When we base our decisions on data, we are doing much more than just saying yes or no. We are building a solid argument that:

  • Increases Trust: Showing concrete data generates trust both within our team and with stakeholders. 🤝
  • Promotes Transparency: When decisions are made based on data, everyone understands the ‘why’ behind them. 👁️‍🗨️
  • Drives Innovation: Data allows us to identify opportunities and risks that might otherwise go unnoticed. 🚀
  • Improves Communication: Speaking with data facilitates clear communication and prevents misunderstandings. 💬

Learning to justify our decisions with data is essential, and it allows us to move our projects forward with informed and strategic decisions, giving us the ability to accept or decline opportunities with solid arguments.

Have you ever felt unable to say “no”? ⬇

#ProductManagement #ProjectManagement #DataDrivenDecisions

